This is one area where we offer the most options. It can be a little overwhelming at first glance, but I’ll walk you through it. First, let me explain what we mean by “course content lists,” and then I’ll cover each option in more detail.
What are Course Content Lists?
There are a few areas throughout a LearnDash site where course content lists come into play:
At the bottom of a course page, you’ll see a header that says “Course Content,” followed by a list of sections, lessons, topics and/or quizzes that belong to that course. This is the main course content list.
Example of a Course Content List, styled with Design Upgrade Pro
If you’re using LearnDash topics, you will have a “Lesson Content” area that is automatically inserted at the bottom of a lesson. It lists out all topics (and topic quizzes, if applicable) that belong to that lesson. These are also affected by our course content list styles.
Example of Lesson Content. Styles will also be applied here, if you’re using topics.
Now let’s go through each option to explain which part of the design they impact. Here’s a quick visual overview:
Disable Expand/Collapse
This option will do a few things:
Always display all topics & quizzes beneath all lessons that contain them
Remove the individual “Expand” links next to each lesson that contain at least one topic or quiz
Remove the “Expand All” button at the top
PAGINATION We don’t take pagination into consideration. If you’re using LearnDash pagination, have your “items per page” setting at a certain number, and have more items than that in a particular course, pagination will still apply.
“Course Content” Styles
These styles apply to the literal words, “Course Content,” that are displayed at the top of this section.
“Course Content” Header Style
Default: This will display the words “Course Content” in simple text. With this option, the text color will apply, but the background color will not.
Boxed: This will add a container around “Course Content” and the Expand All/Collapse All button. We highly recommend selecting background & text colors with this option. Your Global Border Radius will also be used for the corners.
Hidden: This will hide the words “Course Content.” Background & text colors won’t apply here.
“Course Content” Header Background: This will change the background color of the container, when using the “Boxed” option above
“Course Content” Header Text: This will change the text color of “Course Content”
Container Styles
These 4 styles give you the option to add a container around all of your course content. If applied, the container will surround all sections, lessons, topics & quizzes. It excludes the top “Course Content” area.
Container Style
Default: This will display your lessons in the default format provided by LearnDash. The background, border width & border color don’t apply here.
Boxed: This will add a container around all of your course content. You need to also pick at least a background color or a border in order to see the container. Your Global Border Radius will be used for the corners.
Container Background: The color used for your container background, when “Boxed” is chosen above
Container Border Width: The width (or size) of the border used for your container, when “Boxed” is chosen above
Container Border: The color used for your container border, when “Boxed” is chosen above
Lesson Style
This option gives you two main choices for how to display your list of lessons.
Default: This will display each lesson in its own container, with a small margin beneath each lesson. This is how LearnDash displays the course content by default. Your Global Border Radius will be used for the corners of each lesson.
Table: This is a throwback to the old style that LearnDash used to use, before releasing version 3.0. All lessons will be connected, with a horizontal line separating them. This creates the appearance of a table.
Each section will still be displayed separately, with some space in-between each one. The Lesson Border color & Lesson Border Width options (see below in “Lesson Styles”) are used for the horizontal lines. No border radius is applied when using this option.
Lesson Styles
There are a few lesson styles you can apply to course content lists – background color, text color, border width & border color – some of which can also be changed on hover.
In addition to lessons within the course content lists, these styles also apply in the following places:
topics within the course content list
topic lists on a lesson page
quiz lists on a lesson or topic page
assignment lists
Here are the available settings:
Lesson Background: The background color of the clickable area
Hover: Lesson Background: The background color of the clickable area, when the mouse hovers over it
Lesson Text: The text color of the item’s title
Hover: Lesson Text: The text color of the item’s title, when the mouse hovers over it
Lesson Border Width: The width (or size) of the border used for each lesson
Lesson Border: The color used for the lesson border
Section Styles
There are two color settings that can be applied to section headings, and they are pretty self-explanatory.
Section Background: The background color for section headings
Section Text: The text color for section headings
“Lesson Content” Header Styles
These styles only apply if you’re using topics, or applying quizzes to your lessons. If all you have are lessons, these styles are irrelevant.
The background & text colors are also used for the headers of quiz & assignment lists in the LearnDash Profile [ld_profile].
“Lesson Content” Header Background: The background color of the “Lesson Header” area
“Lesson Content” Header Text: The color of the text in the “Lesson Header” area. % complete and X/Y steps also use this color, but are displayed at 85% opacity.
Hide “Lesson Content” Header: Selecting this option will remove the entire “Lesson Content” header, along with the % complete and X/Y steps information.
Topic Styles
There are 2 styles that apply to topics, if you’re using them.
Line Separators: The color used for the horizontal lines that separate each topic
Indent Topics: When selected, this will indent the topics so they have visual separation from the lessons. RTL is supported.