General Design

The General Design panel contains options that get applied in various areas throughout the entire LearnDash interface, as opposed to only specific pages or sections of your courses. They are also used to influence the design of several other LearnDash-related plugins (see “Integrations”). This is to ensure a consistent design throughout your entire site.

General Design panel options

Global Border Radius

The number you enter here is in pixels. This will determine the border radius for all dynamically-added LearnDash elements throughout your site. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • content boxes
  • any area where a background color is applied
  • modal popups
  • focus mode comments
  • form <input> text boxes
  • third-party plugins that use similar elements as mentioned above

The default value is 6px, which is determined by LearnDash. Leave the field blank to use the default value. Enter 0 if you want squared-off edges (no rounded corners at all), or use a value that matches your brand’s style.

Link Colors

Link Color and Link Hover Color are used for all text links that LearnDash outputs. Some examples of these include:

  • “back to course” link at the bottom of lesson, topic & quiz pages
  • all the text links in the Your Courses area of the LearnDash Profile
  • breadcrumb links
  • course links in the User Status widget
  • when materials are used, the tabs at the top of course, lesson, topic & quiz pages use the Link Hover Color for the hover & active states
  • many other text links used in the third-party plugins that we support

Correct, Incorrect, In Progress Color

The final 3 options in this panel are colors that relate to the status of courses, lessons, topics & quizzes.

Complete/Correct Color

This is used to denote when items are completed or correct. For example:

  • check marks that indicate lesson/topic completion
  • labels & check marks that indicate a course has been completed
  • the “Mark Complete” text in the focus mode header
  • labels for graded essays & approved assignments
  • background color for ribbons on the course grid when the course has been completed by the user (the text will say “Completed”)

This color is also applied to Tin Canny Reports, as well as several other areas throughout other Uncanny Owl & WisdmLabs plugins.

Incorrect Color

This is used to denote when items are incorrect, for certain errors, and when things are to be closed or deleted. For example:

  • trash can, delete & close icons
    • deleting assignments
    • closing the login/registration modal popup

This color is also applied to Tin Canny Reports, as well as several other areas throughout other Uncanny Owl & WisdmLabs plugins.

In Progress Color

This color is currently only being used for Tin Canny Reports, if you have the Tin Canny Reporting plugin installed. As LearnDash releases new features that warrant the use of an in progress color, we plan to add support for them.

Feedback / Suggestions

Lesson: General Design

If you have any questions, feedback or suggestions about this lesson, please let us know in the box below.